Product Discription
Snes LoRom NoSave 2MB pcb
LoRom Roms up to 2MB.
HiRom with pin correction, listed below
Eproms 27c400/800/160 (512KB/1MB/2MB)
Original CIC and Super CIC capable
Required/Recommended Parts:
C1: 22uf electrolytic capactior
C2 (original cic) or LED1 (super cic): .1uf Ceramic
C3: .1uf Cermaic
U1: Eprom of your choice 27c400 / 27c800 / 27c160
U2: Original CIC ;
or U3: Super CIC
Detailed Assembly Instructions Currently Unavailable
1. You have the choice to either select from a OEM CIC, or use a Super CIC, link to file provided below.
2. LoRom Games, Solder JP1-6 each pad together indicated by L
3. Restore HiRom Game fuction on the board. Solder JP2-6, each pad together indicated by H.
Follow instructions in picture below.
LoRom Roms up to 2MB.
HiRom with pin correction, listed below
Eproms 27c400/800/160 (512KB/1MB/2MB)
Original CIC and Super CIC capable
Required/Recommended Parts:
C1: 22uf electrolytic capactior
C2 (original cic) or LED1 (super cic): .1uf Ceramic
C3: .1uf Cermaic
U1: Eprom of your choice 27c400 / 27c800 / 27c160
U2: Original CIC ;
or U3: Super CIC
Detailed Assembly Instructions Currently Unavailable
1. You have the choice to either select from a OEM CIC, or use a Super CIC, link to file provided below.
2. LoRom Games, Solder JP1-6 each pad together indicated by L
3. Restore HiRom Game fuction on the board. Solder JP2-6, each pad together indicated by H.
Follow instructions in picture below.
Super CIC info and files available here:
27c322 is NOT supported
27c322 is NOT supported